Expand your mind to reverse engineer success

3 min readMay 24, 2021

There are very few things that are of the greatest value and free. In fact, if there is such a thing, its either impossibly rare, or deliberately very carefully hidden.

But it’s what our mission is all about. So here it is. The real secret. To success.

Without the mind there is no reality. Reality exists in the mind. Either only in the mind, or also in reality, but certainly all reality comes to exist first in the mind. Now, if your mind was going to shape your reality, it would be well worth the effort to understand what makes up your mind and how your mental make-up translates into your reality.

Your mind is essentially your world view. Its a construct of your individual answers to questions that create your perspective — which is impacted by the place from where you view the world. Or the place you are coming from. It is shaped by your experiences, culture, socio-economic background, education, travel — the things that shape your awareness.

Now here’s the trick. If you want a certain reality, you can figure out the mental make-up most likely to attain that reality. Its sort of like a match-the-following test. If you could choose from a set of pairs — of mental make-up options and their corresponding realities — it would be so easy to just pick the right mental make up for the reality you are looking for.

So that’s at least theoretically possible. For it to be as easy as walking into a store and picking the right dress for date night. Until then though, what options do we have if we know that to be true or at least possible enough to be worth a good try?

Expanding your mind. Visualising other ways of seeing the world, other vantage points to see the world from. Having more information about what’s possible. Refusing to accept the reality that you don’t want simply because you know its only a reflection of your current mental make-up and you are refusing to accept your present mental make-up simply because you’re not totally convinced about it. Its work-in-progress. It’s not done yet. The situation is dynamic.

It’s like solving a problem in the head before actually beginning to attempt to solve it in real.

Your mental make up is mostly made up of the questions you ask yourself and your answers to those. Its sort of like your conversation with yourself about your place in the world. The place you build for yourself in the world will be directly impacted by what questions you ask and what answers you make up for yourself.

We need to be careful about these questions answers — we also need to be careful about where we get the inputs that form these questions and answers. We shouldn’t let any and everything go into our brains.

And that doesn’t happen unless we are actively looking out, and first asking ourselves what are the right questions to have. What are the right answers to have. Its like reverse engineering success. Anything can be reverse engineered. Even success. If you knew what conditions create success, then its just a matter of creating those conditions.

First step is Knowing. That its possible to create the conditions necessary for success.

So what are the right questions to have? We’re answering that in our next post — Attitude determines success. But what shapes our attitude?

Our belief at the Niche Group is that there’s a special place for each one of in the world economy and our mission at Think With Niche is to help people find their special place. Their Niche. Our research helps you find opportunities from across the world. Our experienced writers bring you the knowledge you need to discover your niche, plan your business, and do the things you need to become successful. We back our efforts with a solid team of growth consultants and experts that will be with you every step of your journey. We are in this for life.

To find your Niche, talk to us on gaurav@nicheb2b.com/9051446288 or yateesh@nicheb2b.com/9918075999.




Sannyasi, growth consultant, comedian, tennis coach to my 5 y o.